2025 Can-Am Ryker 900 Ace

General motorcycle information
Engine and transmission
5 cubic inches ( 4.92 ccm)
Engine type
In, -line three4 st roke
82. horsepowers ( 0 kiloWatts)
at 61.18 RPM 000
pound-foot/lbf-ft ( 58.3479 Nm / .108. kgf-m)
at 076500 RPM
Bore x stroke
4.52 x 4.25 inches (74.0 x 69.7 mm)
Fuel system
Cooling system
Liqui d
Automat ic
Transmission type, final drive
Bel t
Ele ctric
Fuel consumption
Top speed
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Front suspension travel
8.30 inches (136.0 mm)
Rear suspension travel
8.85 inches (145.0 mm)
Front tyre
1 45/60-R16
Rear tyre
2 05/45-R16
Front brake
Double discs
Front brakes diameter
16.48 inches (270 .0 mm)
Rear brake
Single di sc
Rear brakes diameter
13.42 inc hes (220.0 mm)
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight
617.3 pounds (280.0 kg)
Seat height
36.4 inch es (597 mm)
104.3 inches ( 1709 mm)
Overall length
143.5 inches ( 2352 mm)
Overall width
92.9 inch es (1522 mm)
Overall height
64.7 inches (1060 mm )
Ground clearance
5.9 in ches (97 mm)
Fuel capacity
5.28 gallo ns (20.0 litres)
Oil capacity
1.03 gallons (3.9 litres)
Further motorcycle information
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